Is Organic Really Worth the Hype? Here’s What You Need to Know

Organic food and products have become more popular over the years, with many people swearing by their health benefits.

But is organic really worth the hype?

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at organic food and products, so you can make an informed decision about what’s best for your body and health. We’ll explore the pros and cons of organic foods and products, and the potential impact they may have on your health.

Read on to learn more about organic food and products and decide if it’s the right choice for you.

The difference between organic and non-organic

Organic food is free from artificial additives, preservatives, nasty chemicals, and GMOs, whereas non-organic food is not.

Dairy, eggs, and meat from organic farms come from animals that are reared with the highest standards of animal welfare. This is why organic food is healthier, safer, and better for us, farmers, wildlife, and the world. On the other hand, non-organic farming uses thousands of tonnes of manmade pesticides each year, polluting the soil, local waterways, and even ending up on our plates. Pesticides and other chemicals are bad news for farmers and local people who are exposed to them, and research studies have found pesticide residue on our foods to be very common.

Organics are also better for the environment! Another big difference between organic and non-organic products is the way in which they are grown. Organic products are not treated with artificial fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, which can be damaging to the environment. The lack of these substances allows for the soil to remain healthier and more nutrient-rich, meaning that the crops that are grown from this soil will also be healthier. In addition, organic farming systems help promote biodiversity with our suppliers’ growing an assortment of crops that are operated on environmentally and economically sustainable farming systems.

The benefits of organic food

Organic food and products are becoming increasingly popular for many reasons. As organic standards are strictly regulated, organic food offers numerous benefits over conventionally produced products. These include improved taste, improved health and nutrition, reduced pesticide residues, no artificial colours or preservatives, no genetically modified ingredients, and higher animal welfare standards. Additionally, organic farming has been found to reduce greenhouse gases, help protect our oceans and marine life, and promote biodiversity. Organic farming also promotes the use of natural fertilisers and pest control, as well as better natural habitats for small animals, birds, butterflies, and bees.

Organic food tastes better than conventional produce since it is grown with natural methods and without the addition of synthetic chemicals. Organic farmers may also use special methods such as cover crops, crop rotation, and composting to enrich soil health and retain moisture. This leads to produce that has better flavor and texture compared to non-organic foods.

Organic food is also believed to be more nutritious. Studies have shown that organically grown fruits and vegetables may have higher levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and other beneficial compounds when compared to conventionally grown produce. Additionally, organic food does not contain any synthetic chemicals or additives which can have negative impacts on health.

Organic farming also reduces environmental damage by using fewer pesticides and fertilizers, leading to less pesticide residues in the food we eat. Organic food is also free from genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) which may have unknown long-term health effects. Finally, organic farming adheres to higher animal welfare standards when raising livestock, reducing stress on the animals and promoting a healthier living environment for them.

In conclusion, organic food offers numerous benefits over conventionally produced products. Not only does it taste better and provide more nutrients, but it is also free from synthetic chemicals, GMOs, and higher animal welfare standards. It also reduces environmental damage, helping protect our oceans and marine life while promoting biodiversity. Finally, organic farming is socially responsible and provides an overall feel good experience for those who choose to purchase organic products.

The cost of organic food

When it comes to organic food, there’s no question that it can often be more expensive than conventional food. However, this price difference is sometimes worth it. Not only are you putting less cost on the earth in terms of damage caused by industrial farming and chemical use, but you’re also putting less cost on your body as you don’t have to worry about exposure to potentially harmful chemicals and pesticides.
Organic food is grown in more natural and sustainable ways, meaning that resources are used responsibly and not wasted. This leads to less cost to the earth in terms of soil erosion, water waste, and air pollution. Additionally, organic foods don’t contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and other ingredients which can be linked to health concerns like cancer and hormone disruption. So when you choose organic, you’re also investing in your health.
It’s important to remember that food that doesn’t literally “cost the earth” is worth more in the long run. While it might be a little more expensive now, making the switch to organic can help protect your body, your health and the future of our planet.

How to know if a product is truly organic

When you’re shopping for organic products, it’s important to be sure that what you are purchasing is truly organic.
The wording ‘certified organic’ is regulated and does need to meet the requirements for certification. A product that simply makes the claim ‘organic’ may not meet this requirement. So a consumer should always look for a recognised certification logo such as the ACO ‘bud’ logo.

A certification number is also proof that the product was produced in accordance with the Australian organic standard. The certification number is very important because it shows traceability. The consumer can go to the ACO website ( where they can search for certification numbers and it will come up with the name of the producer of the product. If you suspect a product, claiming to be certified organic is not actually organic, you can contact one of the certifying bodies like ACO.

The bottom line

When it comes to organic food and products, it’s clear that there are many benefits. Organic food is free of pesticides and other chemicals that can be harmful to your health, and it often has higher levels of nutrients than non-organic food. Organic products also tend to be gentler on the skin, as they are made without harsh chemicals or toxins. Choosing organic is an important step towards better health, and while it can be more expensive than non-organic options, it is a worthwhile investment in your overall wellbeing.

Additionally, eating seasonally is an important way to ensure that you are getting the most out of your organic food. Not only is it fresher and often cheaper, but seasonally available fruits and vegetables have higher levels of vitamins and minerals due to their natural ripening process.

The bottom line is that organic is good for your health, your skin, and your wallet in the long run, so if you’re looking for a way to make a difference in your life, organic is a great place to start. So, while organic may not always be your most cost-effective option, it is worth considering when you’re looking for ways to take care of your health and wellbeing. Eating organic food and using organic products can help you to make a real difference in your life, and is an important part of leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

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